My Portfolio
Sound Design for Screen

Sound Redesign: Extract from "Pan's Labyrinth"
A redesign of the sound from an extract from Guillermo del Toro's "Pan's Labyrinth" for a university project.
(All sounds were recorded, edited and mixed by myself.)

Sound Redesign: "BBC NI Ident"
A redesign of the sound from a BBC NI Ident.
(All sounds were either recorded by myself or sourced from the module's collaborative foley collection, and were edited and mixed by myself.)
Sound Redesign: "AGENT MX Z3RO"
A redesign of the sound from an extract the AVID short film AGENT MX Z3RO.
Music was sourced from BBC's Doctor Who and Torchwood (composed by Murray Gold) and edited by myself.
SFX were sourced from sound libraries as well as original foley, and were edited and mixed by myself.
The ADR for the two main characters (Zero and Sierra) was recorded, edited and mixed by myself.
The project was mixed and mastered by myself in surround sound 7.1 formatting (presented here in stereo).

Narrative Sound Design: Audio Only Formats
Podcast Audio Production: "Scream Play"
One of four Audio Producers for the horror anthology podcast "Scream Play", enhancing ghoulish tales with immersive sound design to bring the horrors to life!
For credited episodes:
All dialogue is edited and mixed by myself.
All SFX are sourced/recorded, edited and mixed by myself.
All music is sourced/created by myself.
Mixing and mastering is completed by myself.
Music, Sound and Poetry
Examples of poetry underscored with original music and sound design from various podcast projects, including BBC's Between The Ears and The Poetry Pit Stop
Music for Screen
Re-Score: Extract from Brave
A MIDI re-score of the opening montage of Disney Pixar's "Brave", inspired by the Irish and Scottish musical traditions.

Original Compositions
Contemplation: For Solo Clarinet in B Flat
Score PDF:
Consideration: For Solo Flute
Score PDF:
Heartbeat: For Violin and Violoncello
Score PDF:
A trio of original compositions in the contemporary style, written under tuition by Piers Hellawell and with guidance from the HardRain Ensemble, which explore the methods in which musical ideas are developed when free from the restrictions of the Western Classical Tradition's ideas of tonality.
Musical Moods:
Short snippets of musical material demonstrating a variety of moods and genres.
Sonic Arts: "Cooking by Ear"
A sonic art composition exploring, deconstructing and transforming the often overlooked auditory aspect of cooking and eating food.